You Already Are

Worthy. Capable. Enough … beyond your wildest dreams. Everything you need to be your best self is inside of you.

I can help you find it.

Your Sacred Nature Is Alive Within You

Everything the oak tree can become is contained in the acorn. It only needs the right conditions to sprout and thrive. And like the acorn, your infinite potential and way to your fulfillment exist in you already.

Everyone Needs a Toolkit

As you gain  awareness, you will gain  self trust, and find confidence, a solid sense of self worth and a clear personal vision. We’ll build practices and techniques you’ll both enjoy and remember when you feel off balance and off track. You will be able to hear your own Inner Compass loud and clear.

No One Thrives In Isolation

You don’t have to do it alone. Sometimes what you need is an outside set of compassionate eyes to help you become aware of your blind spots. With new awareness, you begin to better recognize the resources and wisdom already available to you. When you see more, you can be more.

You can’t become yourself by yourself.
— Claire Zammit

“...Through my work with Martha, I know it is up to me, it is my choice and in my power to create the world in which I  want to live and the life I desire with my own thoughts. She has taught me how to live in grace.” Kristi S

“I am so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have worked with such a dedicated and inspiring life coach…I could feel her positive energy bleeding into aspects of my life where I truly needed someone to lean on. I feel at peace with where I am and what I am doing.”  Taylor D

“Best money I ever spent in my life! Thank you so much!” Kim B

Are you ready to move into your next level of greatness?

Let me be your guide:

  1. I’ve been there. I’ve felt stuck. I’ve felt unworthy.  And despite a rich and busy life, I didn’t feel I was enough. I’ve traversed massive health scares in my family, and I’ve also found my way through difficult times of overwhelm, over-commitment and unhappiness. 

  2. I create a space of safety and community around these themes with my offerings that include:

    • 1-1 Coaching

    • Retreats

    • Workshops